The easiest way to reach Mount Fuji station 5 from Tokyo is the bus travel.
It is easy and simple.
Booking reservation is not necessary however you are better to arrive at the departure bus station earlier to get a seat.
I, personally recommend this transportation because you do not need to change train or find another bus for transit.
So If you are in Tokyo, or If you are planning to visit Mt.Fuji Yoshida trail station 5, then use a high way bus.
We checked some website to show you all about a timetable to reach Yoshida Trail station 5 however, we could not find the correct information in English.
We guess the correct a timetable in English will be published soon but now.
We advise you to visit the Shinjuku bus terminal “Basuta Shinjuku” to find out the timetable.
According to the Japanese website from Fujikyuko, The Bus leaves every 30min to 1 hour.
What we always recommend to my friend to stay in Tokyo a day before you visit Mt.Fuji.
And make a time to visit “Basuta Shinjuku” and you will be able to book your seat for the bus to Mt.Fuji, leaving on the next day.
Also, we recommend you to rent gear from us and deliver it to a hotel in Tokyo.
Here is the bus timetable for Shinjuku – Mt.Fuji Yoshida trail station 5.
This timetable is for Mt.Fuji hiking season 2018. Please also check the official website or ask at the bus terminal for booking.
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